Neep Help?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Accepting Change...

People move on, I suppose some move on faster than others do.  Some even move on to the point of accepting another person into their lives. Kind of like my mom I guess.  About two years ago she met another guy; they started “dating” or whatever else you want to call it.  I didn't even acknowledge his existence for the first year of it…

Did I feel bad about this? Heck no.  I didn't need another man in my life trying to take over with what was left behind.  But for some reason my mom liked him, despite what I had to say about it.  It was clear she was going to do whatever she wanted regardless of me.  Which also made me hate him and push him away even more.  She insisted on bringing him to all of my sporting events and activities, even though I would specifically ask her not to.  She would (and still does) talk to him on the phone EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT, literally the most annoying thing for me.  I would think to myself, I don’t even talk to my friends this much…

Finally, after a good six months of me fighting this and many tears later, she decided to respect my wishes and keep him far away from me and my life.  Which I was pretty happy about.  But lets be honest here, that only lasted a couple months before she started bringing him back around again.  Which again upset me, but now my mother started getting an attitude of her own about this whole ordeal.  According to her I should “get over it” and “start being nicer” because apparently I fought it long enough. 

Needless to say she is still with him to this day, it has been about two years.  Do I accept him fully yet? Nope.  Is it getting any better? Maybe a bit.  I mean I do allow myself to be around him now and all that, I even speak to him on occasions.  Slowly but surely I keep telling myself, it’s a tough thing to accept others into your life after a big loss.  But with time, trust me, it does get easier to understand and deal with.  You just have to remember that this person is not trying to replace anyone.  They are simply making your family member a bit happier.

 Photo credit:

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